count: number
The number of samples recorded by the histogram.
countBigInt: bigint
The number of samples recorded by the histogram. v17.4.0, v16.14.0
exceeds: number
The number of times the event loop delay exceeded the maximum 1 hour event loop delay threshold.
exceedsBigInt: bigint
The number of times the event loop delay exceeded the maximum 1 hour event loop delay threshold.
max: number
The maximum recorded event loop delay.
maxBigInt: number
The maximum recorded event loop delay. v17.4.0, v16.14.0
mean: number
The mean of the recorded event loop delays.
min: number
The minimum recorded event loop delay.
minBigInt: bigint
The minimum recorded event loop delay. v17.4.0, v16.14.0
percentiles: Map<number, number>
Returns a Map
object detailing the accumulated percentile distribution.
percentilesBigInt: Map<bigint, bigint>
Returns a Map
object detailing the accumulated percentile distribution.
stddev: number
The standard deviation of the recorded event loop delays.
percentile(percentile: number): number
Returns the value at the given percentile.
percentileBigInt(percentile: number): bigint
Returns the value at the given percentile.
reset(): void
Resets the collected histogram data.